What Is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized standard for quality management systems (QMS). It is part of the ISO 9000 family of standards, which provides a framework for organizations to implement and maintain effective quality management practices. ISO 9001 specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving a quality management system.

ISO 9001 is often used by organizations in various industries to enhance their quality management practices, improve customer satisfaction, and increase operational efficiency. Achieving ISO 9001 certification involves undergoing a formal audit by a certification body to ensure compliance with the standard’s requirements. Organizations that obtain ISO 9001 certification demonstrate their commitment to quality and their ability to consistently provide products or services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

What Is New in ISO 9001:2015?

ISO 9001:2015 is the latest version of the ISO 9001 standard for quality management systems. It introduced several significant changes and updates compared to its predecessor, ISO 9001:2008. Some of the key changes and new features in ISO 9001:2015 include:

ISO 9001:2015 follows a common high-level structure, which is also used by other ISO management system standards like ISO 14001 (Environmental Management). This structure, known as the Annex SL framework, allows for easier integration of multiple management systems within an organization.

ISO 9001:2015 places a strong emphasis on risk-based thinking throughout the standard. Organizations are required to identify and assess risks and opportunities that could affect the achievement of quality objectives and the ability to deliver products and services that meet customer requirements.

Organizations are expected to define the internal and external issues that can impact their QMS. This includes understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties, such as customers, regulators, and suppliers.

The role of top management is highlighted more prominently, with a greater emphasis on leadership and their commitment to the QMS.

While the process approach was present in previous versions, ISO 9001:2015 further emphasizes a systematic and process-oriented approach to managing quality. It requires organizations to identify and manage their core processes and interactions.

ISO 9001:2015 replaces the term “documentation” with “documented information.” It gives organizations more flexibility in how they document their quality management system, making it less prescriptive in terms of documentation requirements.

The new standard encourages organizations to consider the entire product or service lifecycle, from concept to disposal or recycling, where applicable. This can be particularly important in industries where sustainability and environmental impact are significant factors.

ISO 9001:2015 emphasizes the importance of measuring and evaluating the performance of the quality management system. It also requires organizations to determine the effectiveness of their processes in achieving desired results.

The concept of continual improvement remains central, but ISO 9001:2015 places more focus on the organization’s ability to react to changes, adapt, and improve over time.

These changes in ISO 9001:2015 are aimed at making the standard more adaptable and relevant to a wide range of organizations and industries. They encourage a more strategic and risk-based approach to quality management and align with modern business practices. Organizations seeking certification to ISO 9001:2015 need to adapt their quality management systems to meet these new requirements.

Benefits of ISO 9001

Improved Quality Management

ISO 9001 provides a framework for organizations to establish and maintain a systematic approach to quality management. It helps ensure that products or services consistently meet customer requirements and comply with relevant regulations and standards.

Increased Efficiency

The standard encourages organizations to streamline their processes and eliminate waste. This can lead to greater efficiency in operations, reduced costs, and improved resource utilization.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

By focusing on customer needs and expectations, ISO 9001 can lead to increased customer satisfaction. This can result in repeat business, positive word-of-mouth referrals, and improved customer loyalty.

Greater Competitiveness

ISO 9001 certification can give organizations a competitive advantage. It demonstrates a commitment to quality and can make it easier to enter new markets, win contracts, and meet the expectations of customers and partners.

Stronger Employee Engagement

Involving employees in the QMS and decision-making processes can lead to higher morale, better teamwork, and increased commitment to the organization’s quality goals.

ISO 9001:2015 Requirements

ISO 9001:2015 outlines a set of requirements that organizations must meet to establish and maintain an effective quality management system. These requirements are organized into several key sections:

The standard begins with defining the scope of the QMS, making it clear which aspects of an organization’s operations are covered by the system.

This section references other standards and documents that are applicable to ISO 9001.

ISO 9001 provides a list of terms and their definitions to ensure common understanding of key concepts throughout the standard.

Organizations are required to understand the internal and external context in which they operate. This involves identifying interested parties, understanding their needs and expectations, and determining the scope of the QMS.

This section emphasizes the role of top management in providing leadership and commitment to the QMS. Top management is responsible for establishing the organization’s quality policy and objectives.

Organizations need to address risks and opportunities, set quality objectives, and plan actions to achieve these objectives. This section also covers change management.

Organizations must provide the necessary resources, including human resources, infrastructure, and work environments. It also covers the importance of competence, awareness, and communication within the organization.

This section outlines the processes required to produce products or deliver services in accordance with customer requirements. It addresses areas such as product/service design and development, production, and service provision.

Organizations are required to monitor and measure the performance of the QMS and the products or services they deliver. This includes internal audits and management review.

This section emphasizes the need for organizations to continually improve their QMS and processes. It covers non-conformities, corrective actions, and preventive actions.

It’s important to note that ISO 9001:2015 is a flexible standard that allows organizations to tailor their QMS to their specific needs and context. The requirements are intended to be applied in a way that is proportional to the organization’s size, complexity, and the nature of its operations.

To achieve ISO 9001 certification, organizations must demonstrate compliance with these requirements and undergo an audit by a certification body to ensure that their QMS is effectively implemented and maintained. Organizations are also required to document their processes and procedures, but the standard is less prescriptive in terms of specific documentation compared to earlier versions, emphasizing the concept of “documented information” rather than rigid documentation.

How Phoenix Can Help with ISO 9001:2015

Phoenix offers comprehensive support for achieving and maintaining certification to ISO 9001:2015 and other quality standards, addressing the full spectrum of quality management needs. Our expert team can guide you through the QMS journey, whether it’s conducting Gap Analysis and Root Cause Analysis to identify and resolve issues, developing essential QMS elements such as procedures and core tools, performing internal or supplier audits, or providing both salaried and hourly staff training. We understand that quality staff often grapple with immediate problem-solving, leading to QMS neglect. At Phoenix, we aim to change the perception of your QMS, emphasizing its role as a toolbox of efficiency, not just a checklist of tasks. We’ll help your organization leverage the QMS to meet customer requirements more effectively, ensuring that it’s a valuable asset for improved quality performance and ISO 9001:2015 certification.

real cases

ISO 9001:2015 Training & Certification Case Studies

Meet The ISO 9001:2015 Consultants

Larry Przekora
Russ Balzer
George Coates
Kirk D. Wiley


If you’re interested in learning how The Phoenix Group can help your company, contact us today.